Food Card
Tachyon Energy Food Card orange
Short info: digestion, invigorating, food processing
Energy Card food card orange (5,83x8,27 inch)
Short info: digestion, invigorating, food processing
Invigorates drinks and food. These relieve the organism and facilitate digestion.
The frequency of this frazzle can be helpful:
in depressive moods
in case of digestive problems
is happy
Size: 86mm x 55mm and weight: 3g
Scientific studies:
We have carried out extensive studies on the effectiveness of our products. All analyzes clearly prove that our products are excellently suited to
Vitalize drinking water
revitalize foods
repolarise reflectrosmog
optimize pollutant immissions
Energy Card food card orange (5,83x8,27 inch)
Short info: digestion, invigorating, food processing
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Ich habe mich vorher und danach mit dem Nilas MV gemessen die gesamten Werte waren deutlich besser ( Chakren,Aura, Meridiane ) usw. nach einem Glas silber Wasser.Ich war sehr über das Ergebnis überrascht
Tachyon Energy Food Card orange
Short info: digestion, invigorating, food processing
Energy Card food card orange (5,83x8,27 inch)
Short info: digestion, invigorating, food processing